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TullyroanOval AghadoweyOval


Welcome To
We are Northern Ireland's premier Short Oval Motor Racing promotion, bringing you the very best in Stock Car, Hot Rod and Banger racing since 2003. We promote top flight race meetings at both Tullyroan Oval near Dungannon and Aghadowey Oval near Coleraine. From the high speed, high octane National Hot Rods, to the thrill a minute wreck 'em racing of the National Bangers, DMC Race Promotions have something for everyone, from the serious motorsport enthusiast to the family looking for a day out with a difference.

Coming Fixtures
Tullyroan Oval
23/2/2025 @ 2pm

Unlimited National Bangers 2025 Tullyroan Masters
1600 Rookie Bangers 2025 Tullyroan Masters
2.0 Hot Rods
Ninja Karts

Aghadowey Oval
8/3/2025 @ 1pm-6pm

Practice & Test Day 1
(DMC Young Drivers Academy 11am-1pm)

Tullyroan Oval
15/3/2025 @ 6pm-10pm

Practice & Test Day 2



Nutts Corner Oval
2009 Results

Sunday December 27th 2009

Reliant Robins

2009 Irish Championship: 1st 56 Ian Bolton, 2nd 69 Billy McClean, 3rd 95 Chris McArdle, 22, 59, 953, 86.
Heat: 59 Steven Bolton, 56, 953, 22, 69, 86.

Big Van Bangers

2009 Ulster Open Championship: 1st 5 Davy Haugh, 2nd 33 Alan Haugh, 3rd 148 Mark Hughes, 59, 525, 190, 173, 36, 3.
Support Heat: 360 Fran Cassidy, 87, 5, 36, 66, 173
DD: 190 Marcus Watt
Best Presented Van: 59 Steven Bolton, Entertainer of the Day: 173 Steven Reynolds

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat: 945 Clive Wilson, 935, 995, 13, 949, 50, 925, 900, 70, 957.
Final: 50 Wayne Woolsey, 949, 44, 945, 13, 941, 54, 342, 70, 925.

Lightning Rods

Heat: 922 Gregg Hyndman, 944, 903, 933, 947, 924, 992, 409, 913, 937.
Final: 944 Kenny Robinson, 947, 922, 409, 992, 937, 903, 970, 964, 924.

Junior Productions

Heat: 994 Kellie Martin, 146, 944, 921, 26, 14, 33, 31, 7, 118.
Final: 927 Ben McCully, 994, 74, 7, 26, 944, 921, 146, 14, 6.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor - Cirrus Plastics of Portadown.

Saturday October 31st 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 920 Derek Martin, 941, 70, 933, 975, 342, 957, 982, 935, 50.
Heat Two: 941 Wayne McClure, 988, 54, 50, 975, 944, 982, 933, 342, 920.
Final: 975 Davy Potter, 982, 920, 941, 944, 54, 902, 50, 70, 957. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 993 James Logan, 409, 925, 924, 922, 964, 944, 921, 920, 970.
Heat Two: 993 James Logan, 924, 970, 921, 992, 944, 964, 920, 925.
Final: 925 Davy Townley, 922, 993, 924, 944, 964, 970, 409, 992, 920. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 54 Jordan Magee, 315, 994, 711, 26, 944, 46, 146, 14, 33.
Heat Two: 921 Lee McCracken, 944, 14, 293, 317, 146, 33, 334, 7, 994.
Final: 334 Kenny Anderson, 711, 26, 14, 315, 46, 317, 146, 293, 944.

Reliant Robins

Heat One: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 69, 953, 59.
Heat Two: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 69, 953, 59.
Final: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 69, 953, 59.

Sunday October 25th 2009

1400cc National Bangers

2009 Irish Championship: 1st 33 Alan Haugh, 2nd 148 Mark Hughes, 3rd 388 Stevo McGrath, 173, 325, 24, 26, 249, 121.

Heat: 249 Paul Kelly, 33.
DD: 730 Anto Finnegan and 388 Stevo McGrath.
Best Presented Car: 166 William Ogilvy
Entertainer of the Day: 388 Stevo McGrath 


2009 Irish Championship: 1st 32 Davy Morrison, 2nd 99 Stefan McClelland, 3rd 51 George Esler, 21, 14, 920, 54, 151, 18, 937.

Heat: 920 Ryan Fleming, 99, 151, 59, 54, 1, 218, 18, 414, 307.

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 910 Eddie Litter, 54, 925, 988, 944, 70, 903, 982, 933, 975.
Heat Two: 988 Feargal McNally, 975, 54, 910, 968, 925, 342, 70, 50, 902.
Final: 910 Eddie Litter, 54, 944, 982, 902, 50, 975, 988, 70, 13. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 409 Brendan McConnell, 747, 945, 926, 933, 921, 970, 964, 917, 913.
Heat Two: 747 Matt Stirling, 926, 937, 409, 964, 945, 933, 992, 917, 913.
Final: 970 Andy Cochrane, 409, 747, 993, 917, 926, 964, 933, 913, 924.

Junior Productions

Heat One: 14 Joshua McMullan, 944, 711, 994, 26, 921, 33, 31, 317, 146.
Heat Two: 14 Joshua McMullan, 711, 26, 944, 921, 146, 317, 31, 7, 994.
Final: 14 Joshua McMullan, 711, 944, 26, 146, 7, 46, 911, 921, 317.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, JMC Mechanical and Construction Ltd. Tel: 028 3888 2807

Saturday October 17th 2009

Lightning Rods

2009 Irish Championship: 1st 926 David Hearst, 2nd 937 Ben McKee, 3rd 947 Gordy McKee, 913, 992, 917, 924, 921, 409, 970.
Heat: 409 Brendan McConnell, 970, 921, 913, 747, 980, 964, 933, 941, 926.

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 8

Heat One: 369 Tommy Maxwell, 888, 940, 992, 960, 997, 943, 9, 994, 983.
Heat Two: 369 Tommy Maxwell, 888, 992, 943, 997, 962, 994, 996, 940, 960.
Final: 992 Rab Forsythe, 369, 994=996, 943, 960, 940, 9, 997, 983. 

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 955 Gareth Hagan, 925, 54, 988, 903, 995, 50, 342, 70, 968.
Heat Two: 54 Adam Hylands, 988, 902, 50, 920, 70, 968, 925, 955, 995.
Final: 920 Derek Martin, 988, 902, 70, 54, 50, 955, 903, 13, 342.


Heat One: 906 John Brady, 777, 21, 32, 969, 99, 14, 920, 59, 98.
Heat Two: 777 Robert Diffin, 21, 819, 99, 59, 32, 51, 98, 937, 920.
Final: 906 John Brady, 51, 99, 32, 14, 819, 88, 212, 21, 937.

Many Thanks to our meeting sponsor, Drumnasoo Garage Services and Car Sales, Portadown.

Saturday October 3rd 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

2009 Irish Championship: 1st 70 Shane Murray, 2nd 50 Wayne Woolsey, 3rd 900 Darren McGeady, 903, 982, 944, 933, 957, 54, 995.

Heat: 50 Wayne Woolsey, 925, 995, 982, 70, 949, 902, 941, 957, 904.

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 7

Heat One: 992 Rab Forsythe, 996, 888, 9, 960, 994, 962, 940, 997, 983.
Heat Two: 994 Keith Martin, 888, 960, 9, 996, 940, 962, 992, 997, 983.
Final: 994 Keith Martin, 996, 9, 960, 962, 940, 992, 983, 888. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 994 Kellie Martin, 26, 755, 944, 315, 293, 18, 7, 146, 46.
Heat Two: 944 Derek McMillan, 293, 18, 26, 315, 33, 711, 755, 7, 4.
Final: 293 Marc Logan, 315, 26, 18, 711, 994, 7, 927, 911, 317.


Heat One: 1 Ryan Stewart, 31, 32, 43, 969, 51, 10, 56, 99, 88.
Heat Two: 21 Willie Stewart, 54, 819, 32, 841, 76, 56, 1, 10, 218.
Final: 21 Willie Stewart, 32, 841, 10, 43, 88, 218, 414, 26, 777.

Many Thanks To Our Meeting Sponsor, RS Tyres and Batteries, Glenarm

Sunday September 27th 2009

Unlimited cc National Bangers - Nuttshaker '09

Nuttshaker '09: 1st 257 Gary Jackson 2nd 121 Trevor Mulligan 3rd 811 Kieran McIvor, 777.

Heat: 121 Trveor Mulligan, 811, 777, 48.
DD: 97 Stephen Anderson
Best Presented Car: 811 Kieran McIvor (Jaguar XJS)
Entertainer of the Day: 97 Stephen Anderson

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 968 Glen Hetherington, 925, 920, 970, 903, 955, 982, 50, 933, 941.
Heat Two: 941 Wayne McClure, 50, 54, 70, 970, 902, 982, 948, 900, 968.
Final: 902 Leigh Nicholl, 54, 925, 935, 941, 933, 903, 50, 70, 975.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 409 Brendan McConnell, 747, 980, 943, 970, 937, 915, 992, 947, 926.
Heat Two: 747 Matt Stirling, 980, 970, 943, 409, 933, 913, 926, 921, 937.
Final: 980 Malcolm Willis, 409, 970, 937, 933, 926, 924, 992, 917, 921.

Junior Productions

Heat One: 46 Bradley Dynes, 944, 18, 994, 921, 62, 14, 293, 31, 146.
Heat Two: 921 Lee McCracken, 18, 26, 146, 7, 944, 62, 293, 74, 911.
Final: 46 Bradley Dynes, 26, 18, 293, 944, 994, 146, 7, 911, 927.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, Mallusk Engineering.

Sunday September 20th 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 902 Leigh Nicholl, 941, 920, 935, 54, 933, 968, 955, 50, 944.
Heat Two: 902 Leigh Nicholl, 968, 920, 941, 50, 70, 900, 988, 903, 944.
Final: 920 Derek Martin, 50, 941, 933, 903, 944, 955, 900, 13, 982.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 933 Andrew Percy, 409, 947, 912, 937, 945, 924, 926, 964, 992.
Heat Two: 966 Thomas Dilly, 409, 913, 945, 964, 933, 947, 992, 924, 926.
Final: 409 Brendan McConnell, 945, 926, 937, 924, 933, 947, 992, 964, 917.(Result amended) 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 46 Bradley Dynes, 944, 62, 711, 146, 18, 7, 911, 33, 317.
Heat Two: 994 Kellie Martin, 62, 33, 944, 46, 18, 711, 146, 921, 31.
Final: 33 Daniel Campbell, 62, 711, 921, 18, 46, 994, 944, 146, 334. (Result amended)


Heat One: 32 David Morrison, 99, 51, 1, 841, 76, 60, 59, 981, 28.
Heat Two: 99 Stefan McClelland, 32, 841, 43, 969, 51, 14, 920, 59, 9.
Final: 9 Jason McClelland, 51, 841, 920, 32, 99, 969, 10, 981, 14.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, The Fairhill Bar in Ahoghill, Ballymena.

Saturday September 12th 2009

Junior Productions - 2009 Irish Championship

2009 Irish Championship: 1st 944 Derek McMillan, 2nd 921 Lee McCracken, 3rd 62 Corrie Beggs, 33, 14, 46, 755, 54, 994, 911, 334, 31.

Heat: 755 Nathan Beattie, 46, 711, 62, 911, 944, 994, 921, 146, 293.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 409 Brendan McConnell, 747, 970, 924, 926, 947, 937, 913, 992, 964.
Heat Two: 409 Brendan McConnell, 970, 918, 937, 924, 926, 947, 913, 964, 993.
Final: 409 Brendan McConnell, 747, 966, 992, 926, 947, 924, 917, 913, 964. 

Reliant Robins 

Heat One: 95 Chris McArdle, 69, 56, 953, 22, 86.
Heat Two: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 95, 69, 953, 86.
Final: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 69, 95, 953.


Heat One: 60 Stewart Nicholl, 32, 570, 14, 43, 777, 59, 321, 1, 51.
Heat Two: 1 Ryan Stewart, 32, 76, 99, 51, 10, 43, 920, 88, 777.
Final: 570 Richard Harper, 777, 99, 1, 76, 10, 920, 32, 14, 811.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, Best Body Repairs of Richhill.

Sunday September 6th 2009

National Hot Rods - 2009 British Championship

Heat One: 960 Mark Heatrick, 940, 31, 115, 50, 61, 303, 3, 994, 996.
Heat Two: 911 Malcolm Blackman, 9, 943, 61, 997, 994, 963, 303, 50, 369.
2009 British Championship Final: 1st 61 Andy Holtby, 2nd 9 Glenn Bell, 3rd 911 Malcolm Blackman, 115, 960, 996, 940, 116, 943, 994.

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 957 Mervyn Crawford, 941, 13, 903, 70, 50, 982, 933, 944, 342.
Heat Two: 941 Wayne McClure, 931, 50, 944, 988, 920, 968, 54, 982, 342.
Final: 988 Feargal McNally, 968, 50, 931, 944, 941, 920, 342, 933, 70. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 945 Jonny McMillan, 933, 926, 947, 943, 924, 921, 917, 992, 937.
Heat Two: 955 Campbell Percy, 945, 926, 964, 933, 992, 913, 937, 943, 980.
Final: 955 Campbell Percy, 964, 933, 945, 937, 913, 924, 992, 921, 926. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 14 Joshua McMullan, 921, 26, 18, 293, 62, 33, 31, 944, 994.
Heat Two: 26 Deborah McCann, 14, 317, 293, 994, 18, 46, 33, 31, 944.
Final: 293 Marc Logan, 14, 921, 33, 18, 944, 62, 31, 26, 7.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, Murrays of Randalstown.

Saturday August 29th 2009

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 5

Heat One: 997 Andrew Murray, 960, 9, 940, 962, 992, 943, 996, 369, 888.
Heat Two: 992 Rab Forsythe, 369, 962, 916, 943, 960, 940, 994, 996, 888.
Final: 997 Andrew Murray, 960, 940, 962, 996, 888, 916, 992, 983. 

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 920 Derek Martin, 968, 941, 902, 903, 944, 70, 975, 949, 982.
Heat Two: 941 Wayne McClure, 902, 975, 949, 957, 944, 70, 920, 982, 342.
Final: 968 Glen Hetherington, 50, 70, 949, 920, 933, 944, 957, 982. 


Heat One: 1 Ryan Stewart, 32, 99, 969, 841, 218, 966, 14, 414, 981.
Heat Two: 32 Davy Morrison, 969, 51, 1, 841, 14, 6, 9, 920, 966.
2009 King of Nuttscorner Final: 1st 1 Ryan Stewart, 2nd 51 George Esler, 3rd 969 Ryan Abernethy, 841, 14, 570, 920, 76, 10, 218. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 315 David Beattie, 317, 944, 18, 293, 31, 921, 62, 19, 911.
Heat Two: 33 Daniel Campbell, 317, 315, 944, 293, 62, 146, 31, 18, 994.
Final: 33 Daniel Campbell, 317, 944, 293, 315, 921, 31, 18, 146, 711.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor - Hoggs Bar Loughgall

Sunday August 23rd 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 933 Garry Campbell, 957, 935, 70, 925, 982, 968, 955, 54, 900.
Heat Two: 342 Adam Heatrick, 50, 935, 925, 900, 54, 957, 933, 947, 909, 70.
2009 King of Nuttscorner Final: 1st 933 Garry Campbell, 2nd 70 Shane Murray, 3rd 342 Adam Heatrick, 935, 925, 968, 13, 54.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 409 Brendan McConnell, 933, 992, 947, 913, 926, 964, 937, 921, 924.
Heat Two: 409 Brendan McConnell, 947, 926, 933, 924, 921, 917, 964, 992, 913.
Final: 409 Brendan McConnell, 964, 913, 947, 921, 992, 933, 917, 993, 912. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 317 Jordan Rochford, 146, 33, 26, 62, 944, 293, 7, 18, 921.
Heat Two: 14 Joshua McMullan, 317, 33, 293, 18, 944, 921, 146, 31, 7.
Final: 317 Jordan Rochford, 944, 14, 146, 18, 31, 26, 7, 19.

Reliant Robins

Heat One: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 95, 86.
Final: 56 Ian Bolton, 22, 95.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor - Wash 'n' Dash Mobile Car and Truck Wash

Saturday August 8th 2009

ProStocks 2009 Irish Open Championship

Heat One: 1 Ryan Stewart, 51, 570, 981, 920, 99, 760, 841, 132, 14.
Heat Two: 920 Ryan Fleming, 51, 10, 59, 1, 659, 414.
2009 Irish Open Championship Final: 1st 1 Ryan Stewart, 2nd 10 Neil Capper, 3rd 920 Ryan Fleming, 51,99, 59, 777, 760, 183, 218.

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 44 Jonny McMillan, 935, 70, 957, 920, 342, 975, 982, 54, 925.
Heat Two: 920 Derek Martin, 54, 44, 70, 948, 975, 935, 982, 342, 13.
Final: 44 Jonny McMillan, 54, 70, 935, 925, 975, 982, 900, 920, 342. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 964 Dane Ferry, 943, 915, 998, 917, 921, 922, 913, 937, 926.
Heat Two: 943 Jason Devlin, 947, 964, 926, 923, 937, 915, 992, 921, 998.
Final: 943 Jason Devlin, 947, 937, 926, 923, 913, 921, 924, 992, 964. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 33 Daniel Campbell, 62, 14, 18, 944, 26, 293, 755, 921, 22.
Heat Two: 317 Jordan Rochford, 944, 14, 921, 755, 22, 293, 31, 33, 62.
Final: 62 Corrie Beggs, 317, 921, 33, 944, 22, 18, 26, 146, 14.

Many Thanks to Our Meeting Sponsor, McClure Motors of Portadown

Nuttscorner Oval Speedweekend - July 25/26th 2009

Lightning Rods 2009 World Championship 

Pre-Qualifying Heat One: 945 Jonny McMillan, 970, 937, 936, 955, 687, 924, 604, 964, 921.
Pre Qualifying Heat Two: 368 Steve Santry, 943, 987, 918, 921, 924, 989, 998, 409, 955.

World Championship Heat One: 445 Craig Boyd, 987, 368, 923, 917, 81, 227, 970, 924, 918.
World Championship Heat Two: 98 Dave Leech, 926, 923, 2, 541, 947, 409, 943, 937, 924.

2009 World Championship Final:
1st 923 Stephen Emerson, 2nd 926 David Hearst, 3rd 445 Craig Boyd,  2, 368, 947, 937, 924, 913, 541.

Dash for Cash: 947 Gordon McKee, 955, 937, 98, 445, 368, 921, 964, 355, 81.
Meeting Final: 966 Thomas Dilly, 81, 445, 921, 987, 964, 368, 918, 947, 98.

2.0 Hot Rods 2009 European Championship 

European Championship Heat One: 50 Wayne Woolsey, 60, 900, 933, 931, 903, 920, 70, 209, 955.
European Championship Heat Two: 949 Andy Best, 209, 955, 308, 995, 944, 988, 920, 941, 902.
European Championship Heat Three: 70 Shane Murray, 75, 903, 982, 902, 10, 941, 110, 995, 949.

2009 European Championship Final:
1st 949 Andy Best, 2nd 50 Wayne Woolsey, 3rd 209 Kym Weaver, 70, 903, 60, 902, 944, 931, 941.

Dash For Cash: 54 Adam Hylands, 933, 941, 70, 13, 903, 982, 935, 10, 995.
Meeting Final: 70 Shane Murray, 933, 957, 988, 935, 941, 995, 975, 945.

National Hot Rods - 2010 World Series Round 2

Heat One: 916 Mark Keys, 997, 943, 9, 996, 940, 962, 960, 994, 992.
Heat Two: 916 Mark Keys, 992, 943, 9, 962, 940, 369, 960, 994, 997.
Final: 916 Mark Keys, 992, 943, 940, 962, 9, 369, 996, 404. 

Junior Productions (Saturday)

Heat One: 293 Marc Logan, 18, 22, 944, 62, 921, 7, 315, 46, 755.
Heat Two: 921 Lee McCracken, 62, 317, 26, 944, 293, 54, 711, 33, 755.
Final: 944 Derek McMillan, 293, 54, 315, 33, 7, 18, 921, 146, 317.

Junior Productions (Sunday)

Heat One: 921 Lee McCracken, 7, 293, 18, 26, 22, 711, 31, 317, 146.
Heat Two: 921 Lee McCracken, 7, 18, 26, 33, 54, 62, 711, 22, 146.
Final: 22 Tim Hazlett, 293, 31, 921, 146, 26, 317, 19, 911.

Reliant Robins

Heat One: 996 Michael Logan, 56, 22, 69, 176, 147, 95, 953.
Heat Two: 22 Rab Stewart, 56, 147, 69, 176, 953, 95, 86.
Final: 176 Jimmy Beattie, 56, 996, 95, 147, 69, 953, 86.


Heat One: 570 Richard Harper, 841, 1, 132, 14, 59, 32, 51, 920, 99.
Heat Two: 570 Richard Harper, 1, 10, 969, 51, 920, 32, 99, 132, 14.
Final: 570 Richard Harper, 1, 14, 32, 59, 132, 218, 99, 10, 60.

2L National Bangers

2009 Irish Open Championship - 1st 3 Anto Grenden, 2nd 173 Steven Reynolds, 3rd 572 Paul Scully, 78, 32, 39, 777, 372, 19, 271.


DD: 372 Martin Scully    Entertainer of the Day: 114 Christy Gilshenan

Many thanks to our Speedweekend Sponsor - CPD Hire

Saturday July 18th 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 982 Gary Wilson, 900, 903, 995, 949, 944, 920, 70, 931, 342.
Heat Two: 982 Gary Wilson, 944, 995, 949, 903, 933, 955, 70, 975, 957.
Final: 935 Philip Beatty, 982, 70, 13, 957, 902, 54, 900, 342, 948. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 955 Campbell Percy, 921, 964, 922, 926, 947, 943, 913, 915, 918.
Heat Two: 966 Thomas Dilly, 964, 937, 913, 926, 915, 923, 921, 918, 970.
Final: 923 Stephen Emerson, 966, 922, 921, 964, 917, 955, 924, 987, 915. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 317 Jordan Rochford, 921, 7, 18, 54, 944, 31, 315, 293, 22.
Heat Two: 317 Jordan Rochford, 944, 711, 315, 293, 7, 18, 46, 755, 62.
Final: 317 Jordan Rochford, 18, 944, 22, 293, 7, 31, 33, 921, 54.


Heat One: 1 Ryan Stewart, 132, 777, 981, 14, 841, 51, 10, 99, 32.
Heat Two: 777 Robert Diffin, 841, 26, 14, 32, 981, 132, 954, 51, 920.
Final: 777 Robert Diffin, 981, 1, 841, 32, 920, 51, 99, 321, 954.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, Ross Hyndman Motors of Londonderry

Saturday June 27th 2009

Junior Productions

Heat One: 315 David Beattie, 18, 293, 33, 31, 944, 711, 921, 317, 54.
Heat Two: 62 Corrie Beggs, 944, 921, 31, 18, 293, 315, 711, 14, 755.
2009 King Of Nuttscorner: 1st 18 Bobbie Johnston, 2nd 944 Derek McMillan, 3rd 315 David Beattie, 62, 921, 293, 31, 33, 755, 7.

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 903 Denver McLean, 982, 920, 902, 342, 944, 995, 70, 925, 955.
Heat Two: 920 Derek Martin, 982, 925, 955, 995, 944, 948, 70, 903, 342.
Final: 955 Gareth Hagan, 925, 982, 70, 903, 995, 948, 900, 342, 944. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 918 David McMenemy, 966, 947, 970, 955, 945, 937, 933, 923, 924.
Heat Two: 922 Gregg Hyndman, 943, 923, 992, 913, 926, 918, 924, 964, 945.
Final: 918 David McMenemy, 924, 970,l 966, 913, 964, 926, 947, 923, 917. 


Heat One: 1 Ryan Stewart, 14, 969, 32, 59, 981, 920, 10, 218, 51.
Heat Two: 1 Ryan Stewart, 981, 132, 969, 14, 218, 920, 59, 51, 99.
Final: 777 Robert Diffin, 969, 32, 54, 99, 321, 981.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor Hagans Motorhomes of Ballyclare.

Saturday June 20th 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 935 Philip Beatty, 925, 946, 982, 903, 900, 975, 931, 904, 995
Heat Two: 982 Gary Wilson, 925, 955, 946, 935, 70, 975, 995, 903, 931.
Final: 925 Philip Beatty, 982, 925, 70, 903, 342, 946, 957, 13, 995. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 964 Dane Ferry, 933, 937, 947, 923, 918, 943, 944, 926, 921.
Heat Two: 964 Dane Ferry, 918, 921, 923, 933, 924, 913, 941, 937, 943
Final: 933 Andrew Percy, 941, 964, 918, 937, 923, 926, 924, 913, 947. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 921 Lee McCracken, 62, 14, 315, 293, 31, 22, 944, 755, 7.
Heat Two: 62 Corrie Beggs, 7, 315, 293, 921, 31, 944, 18, 22, 146.
Final: 62 Corrie Beggs, 315, 22, 921, 7, 31, 18, 317, 994, 911.

Reliant Robins

Heat One: 22 Rab Stewart, 996, 1, 69, 56, 953, 995, 86.
Heat Two: 996 Michael Logan, 56, 22, 1, 69, 953, 995, 86.
2009 King of Nuttscorner Final: 996 Michael Logan, 22, 69, 953, 1, 995.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor GD Embroidery of Portadown

Saturday June 13th 2009

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 944 Ronnie McMillan, 920, 70, 933, 903, 342, 931, 50, 957, 982.
Heat Two:  70 Shane Murray, 342, 902, 982, 933, 50, 903, 995, 975, 900.
Final: 70 Shane Murray, 933, 944, 931, 50, 903, 982, 902, 995.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 966 Thomas Dilly, 970, 933, 913, 992, 923, 924, 945, 917, 941.
Heat Two: 913 Ricky Shaw, 970, 933, 992, 947, 917, 937, 923, 915, 926.
Final: 970 Andy Cochrane, 933, 992, 941, 947, 913, 923, 924, 926, 915.


Heat One: 32 Davy Morrison, 969, 10, 59, 132, 920, 67, 99, 54, 218.
Heat Two: 32 Davy Morrison, 10, 59, 920, 67, 777, 99, 218, 51, 98.
Final: 10 Neil Capper, 67, 920, 218, 99, 51, 98, 32, 777.

Junior Productions

Heat One: 293 Marc Logan, 22, 944, 31, 33, 755, 46, 18, 315, 146.
Heat Two: 22 Tim Hazlett, 755, 33, 293, 315, 944, 46, 146, 31, 26.
Final: 755 Nathan Beattie, 22, 33, 293, 944, 18, 711, 146, 911, 921.

The meeting was kindly sponsored by Insurance Partnership of Armagh

Saturday June 6th 2009

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 16

Heat One: 997 Andrew Murray, 962, 940, 888, 369, 996, 9, 994, 960, 404.
Heat Two: 997 Andrew Murray, 940, 888, 994, 996, 369, 962, 9, 404.
Final: 994 Keith Martin, 940, 996, 9, 962, 369, 997, 404. 

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 968 Glen Hetherington, 988, 54, 955, 70, 342, 995, 975, 933, 903.
Heat Two: 342 Adam Heatrick, 944, 957, 988, 968, 902, 54, 903, 949, 50.
Final: 70 Shane Murray, 944, 988, 957, 50, 968, 995, 903, 342, 931.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 989 Thomas Rafferty, 966, 917, 970, 909, 921, 937, 947, 926, 922.
Heat Two: 921 Martin O’Flaherty, 970, 917, 992, 937, 947, 945, 924, 926, 943.
Final: 989 Thomas Rafferty, 923, 926, 966, 945, 992, 937, 924, 943, 964. 


Heat One: 32 Davy Morrison, 969, 10, 981, 920, 51, 99, 111, 67, 59.
Heat Two: 969 Ryan Abernethy, 10, 981, 32, 51, 132, 99, 67, 54, 59.
Final: 10 Neil Capper, 969, 59, 981, 67, 920, 51, 99, 151, 321.

Saturday May 30th 2009

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 15

Heat One: 943 Davy McKay, 996, 960, 369, 962, 940, 9, 994, 997, 963.
Heat Two: 943 Davy McKay, 960, 940, 996, 994, 962, 9, 888, 997, 963.
Final: 9 Glenn Bell, 996, 369, 994, 960, 940, 962, 963, 404, 997.

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 988 Feargal McNally, 957, 70, 54, 342, 931, 933, 900, 975, 13.
Heat Two: 910 Ed Litter, 947, 968, 970, 944, 957, 955, 988, 900, 975.
Heat Three: 910 Ed Litter, 54, 955, 70, 944, 342, 968, 933, 931, 13.
Final: 910 Ed Litter, 957, 70, 54, 968, 988, 944, 900, 955, 995.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 970 Andy Cochrane, 913, 966, 917, 943, 918, 915, 947, 923, 992.
Heat Two: 921 Martin O'Flaherty, 944, 966, 922, 943, 915, 917, 913, 992, 947.
Final: 913 Ricky Shaw, 966, 917, 926, 970, 992, 924, 947, 922, 943.

Junior Productions 

Heat One: 22 Tim Hazlett, 755, 293, 14, 944, 146, 711, 33, 31, 7.
Heat Two: 22 Tim Hazlett, 755, 293, 944, 46, 711, 7, 33, 994.
Final: 33 Dan Campbell, 755, 46, 293, 18, 7, 31, 146, 711, 994.

The meeting was kindly sponsored by Logan Landscapes of Ballyclare

Sunday May 24th 2009

Micro National Bangers

2009 Ulster Grand Prix: 1st 388 Stevo McGrath, 2nd 148 Mark Hughes, 3rd 949 Michael Smith, 249, 325, 778, 24, 777, 360.

Heat: 249 Paul Kelly, 160, 36, 194, 148.
D.D.: 19 Johnny Murray

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 968 Glen Hetherington, 946, 944, 988, 903, 54, 931, 925, 995, 941.
Heat Two: 988 Feargal McNally, 957, 946, 342, 995, 903, 948, 925, 935, 968.
Final: 941 Wayne McClure, 70, 957, 955, 342, 54, 995, 903, 975, 931.

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 913 Ricky Shaw, 955, 992, 966, 944, 926, 923, 909, 924, 933.
Heat Two: 992 Vince Litter, 921, 966, 917, 926, 937, 947, 925, 944, 909.
Final: 992 Vince Litter, 921, 944, 943, 924, 926, 409, 964, 915, 903.

Junior Productions

Heat One: 944 Derek McMillan, 293, 46, 18, 31, 26, 146, 14, 54, 7.
Heat Two: 293 Marc Logan, 46, 18, 62, 944, 146, 31, 14, 54, 26.
Final: 46 Bradley Dynes, 62, 711, 31, 54, 26, 14, 146, 7, 994.


Heat One: 32 Davy Morrison, 10, 920, 981, 99, 51, 98, 111, 56, 132
Heat Two: 32 Davy Morrison, 10, 920, 51, 981, 969, 99, 218, 56, 111.
Final: 969 Ryan Abernethy, 10, 981, 51, 99, 920, 151, 218, 98, 321.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor, Dilly Roofing Supplies of Portadown.

Saturday May 9th 2009

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 13  

Heat One: 962 John Christie, 940, 7, 994, 996, 9, 997, 888, 369, 960.
Heat Two: 369 Tommy Maxwell, 962, 9, 940, 994, 960, 997, 7, 996.
Final: 960 Mark Heatrick, 962, 940, 996, 9, 994, 997, 888, 369. 

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 900 Darren McGeady, 975, 948, 995, 903, 342, 933, 931, 50, 54.
Heat Two: 910 Ed Litter, 948, 900, 342, 975, 988, 50, 944, 903, 982.
Final: 900 Darren McGeady, 975, 903, 948, 995, 982, 50, 933, 957, 54. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 917 Aaron Stewart, 937, 941, 903, 909, 943, 936, 923, 926, 921.
Heat Two: 917 Aaron Stewart, 941, 903, 945, 926, 943, 915, 944, 947, 913.
Final: 917 Aaron Stewart, 945, 915, 903, 941, 923, 955, 926, 909, 992.(Amended Result). 

Junior Productions

Heat: 22 Tim Hazlett, 146, 711, 31, 74, 315, 944, 911, 921, 933.
Final: 944 Derek McMillan, 146, 54, 7, 921, 46, 94, 74.

Reliant Robins

Heat One: 22 Rab Stewart, 953, 69, 147, 01, 86, 29.
Heat Two: 996 Michael Logan, 22, 953, 69, 147, 01, 86, 29.
Final: 996 Michael Logan, 953, 22, 69, 147, 01, 86.

Many Thanks To Our Meeting Sponsor, Beggs Deliveries of Randalstown.

Saturday May 2nd 2009

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 909 William Murray, 992, 926, 923, 925, 937, 933, 944, 917, 947.
Heat Two: 913 Ricky Shaw, 955, 947, 941, 903, 933, 937, 992, 923, 926.

2009 King of Nuttscorner Final: 1st 923 Stephen Emerson, 2nd 947 Gordon McKee, 3rd 992 Vince Litter, 913, 941, 909, 955, 937, 917, 921.

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 900 Darren McGeady, 945, 925, 941, 931, 920, 968, 982, 903, 13.
Heat Two: 982 Gary Wilson, 948, 955, 933, 900, 944, 50, 70, 925, 968.
Final: 955 Gareth Hagan, 933, 968, 70, 900, 948, 54, 50, 995, 931. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 18 Bobbie Johnston, 944, 315, 22, 711, 293, 146, 62, 46, 74.
Heat Two: 315 David Beattie, 18, 31, 54, 711, 293, 26, 911, 7, 33.
Final: 711 Anthony McIvor, 31, 54, 146, 755.


Heat One: 10 Neil Capper, 969, 59, 51, 920, 218, 777, 98, 81.
Heat Two: 969 Ryan Abernethy, 32, 10, 99, 98, 218, 777, 59, 81, 981.
Final: 969 Ryan Abernethy, 981, 98, 51, 59, 99, 321, 81, 920.

Many thanks to our meeting sponsor Raymond Bradley, Mk II Escort Shells and Spares, Kilrea.

Sunday April 26th 2009

Unlimited National Bangers - Shamwreck '09

Heat One: 160 Davy Patton (N. Ireland), 521, 321 nof.
Heat Two: 133 Karly Day (England), 39, 325, 279, 148, 146.

Shamwreck '09 Final: 1st 133 Karly Day (England), 2nd 279 Barry Hennessy (Rep. of Ireland), 3rd 478Chris Speirs (England), 39, 521 nof.

King of Nuttscorner Allcomers Final: 133 Karly Day (England), 207, 521, 777.

D.D.: 28 Neil Osborne (England)

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 342 Adam Heatrick, 920, 900, 941, 931, 945, 955, 903, 982, 933.
Heat Two: 342 Adam Heatrick, 54, 933, 925, 988, 995, 944, 945, 13, 948.
Final: 945 Clive Wilson, 931, 933, 900, 944, 342, 941, 995, 70, 982. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 917 Aaron Stewart, 937, 945, 915, 936, 918, 943, 947, 921, 924.
Heat Two: 945 Jonny McMillan, 941, 909, 915, 917, 924, 937, 918, 921, 943.
Final: 915 Adrian McKinstry, 917, 945, 947, 943, 924, 903, 909, 913, 926. 


Heat One: 920 Ryan Fleming, 981, 59, 414, 218, 51.
Heat Two: 99 Stefan McClelland, 981, 920, 51, 218.
Final: 99 Stefan McClelland, 981, 51.

Many Thanks to Our Meeting Sponsor - CPD Plant Hire Ltd

Easter Monday April 13th 2009 

National Hot Rods - World Series Round 10

Heat One: 369 Tommy Maxwell, 9, 994, 960, 997, 923 nof.
Heat Two: 994 Keith Martin, 996, 940, 9, 369, 997, 960, 7 nof
Final: 994 Keith Martin, 369, 9, 996, 962, 997, 940, 23, 7, 960.

2.0 Hot Rods 

Heat One: 342 Adam Heatrick, 901, 925, 920, 941, 975, 910, 995, 70, 903.
Heat Two: 955 Gareth Hagan, 342, 925, 903, 948, 931, 945, 982, 941, 968.
Final: 342 Adam Heatrick, 901, 945, 975, 900, 925, 920, 948, 982, 931. 

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 924 Mervyn Emerson, 937, 947, 944, 970, 913, 925, 921, 915, 917.
Heat Two: 917 Aaron Stewart, 937, 945, 924, 918, 913, 941, 921, 925, 944.
Final: 915 Adrian McKinstry, 917, 937, 992, 918, 945, 941, 921, 925, 913. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 315 David Beattie, 18, 944, 921, 711, 62, 293, 32, 22, 46
Heat Two: 944 Derek McMillan, 18, 293, 32, 31, 711, 54, 74, 994, 14.
Final: 315 David Beattie, 944, 18, 54, 31, 921, 14, 74, 994, 7.

Reliant Robins

Heat One: 996 Michael Logan, 56, 953, 69, 147, 22, 952, 73.
Heat Two: 996 Michael Logan, 56, 953, 147, 22, 952, 73.
Final: 996 Michael Logan, 69, 953, 22, 147, 73.

Many Thanks to Our Meeting Sponsor - Bryan Hynds Services

Sunday 15th February 2009

National Bangers - Nuttscorner Team Challenge

Heat One: 811 Kieran McIvor (Team Buckle), 148, 3, 36, 613, 66, 777.
Heat Two: 811 Kieran McIvor (Team Buckle), 47, 613, 25, 3.
Final: 360 Fran Cassidy (Team Savage), 949, 3, 777, 372, 25, 684.
Team Challenge: 1st Assassins A, 2nd Allsorts, 3rd Team Savage, 4th Team Houndog B

DD - 24 Tony Gelston

2.0 Hot Rods

Heat One: 946 Sean Donnelly, 955, 910, 941, 900, 925, 54, 50, 945, 954.
Heat Two: 955 Gareth Hagan, 900, 946, 945, 910, 50, 941, 931, 54, 901.
Final: 955 Gareth Hagan, 900, 946, 910, 931, 54, 50, 925, 941, 13.  

Lightning Rods

Heat One: 945 Jonny McMillan, 918, 933, 903, 947, 926, 925, 913, 955, 937.
Heat Two: 909 William Murray, 918, 925, 945, 955, 903, 913, 947, 926, 937.
Final: 933 Andrew Percy, 909, 913, 947, 903, 944, 937, 653, 632. 

Junior Productions

Heat One: 921 Lee McCracken, 944, 32, 18, 31, 994, 146, 14, 62, 7.
Heat Two: 921 Lee McCracken, 18, 944, 32, 14, 293, 31, 146, 54, 26.
Final: 944 Derek McMillan, 31, 18, 921, 32, 293, 146, 54, 994, 7.

Previous Years Results
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